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Cyr Wheel 101 - the Waltz

Mitch Lustig's video helping us find our feet.

Glissade (the hang steps)

Another essential element to learning how to move in a wheel.

Corners (like a boss)

Here is a natural progression on from the waltz brought to you by a scantily clad Mitch.


Alexander Laine - Circonvolution improbable...

This is one of the videos that inspired me.

Christopher Thomas

A rising star of cyr, his Bboy background has allowed him to push new boundries.

MUSIC to spin to.

Soul Coughing - Circles

SBTRKT - Wildfire 

Vic Reeves with the Wonder Stuff - Dizzy

The Real Lord of the Ring

After the viral succes of his street show video, now teaming up with Kuma Films to produce this slick looking promo.

Daniel Cyr

Had to put in a video from the godfather of modern cyr wheel. 

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